Star Citizen
by TerminalVeracity

Arena Commander (AC)

The in-fiction name for the dogfighting module.

Anti Total Velocity Indicator (Anti-TVI)

Combat Visor Interface (CVI)

Helmet-mounted display. Shows the own-ship pane on the left, the targeting pane on the right, and target reticles.

Command-Level Stability (COMSTAB)

Context Windows

A number of interfaces, each showing information related to a specific topic, which can be browsed on the combat visor interface.

Coupled Mode

Decoupled (DC) Mode

Dog Fighting Module (DFM)

The pre-release game module which allows players to pilot ships in a variety of game modes.

Docking Slot Manager (DSM)

An area of the overview context window on the own-ship pane of the combat visor interface.

Firing Solution

Fixed Heads-Up Display (HUD)

Fixed display in the centre of the cockpit. Shows ship orientation and flight mode indicators.

G-Force Indicator

An area of the overview context window on the own-ship pane of the combat visor interface. Shows the amount of Gs being pulled on each axis. If any of these readings are severe enough to cause the pilot to black out, they will be highlighted in the critical colour (red).



Gimballed weapons are attached to a pivoting mount, which allows them to shoot in a slightly different direction than the direction the ship is flying in.


Intelligent Flight Control System

Intelligent Target Tracking System (ITTS)

A system which automatically adjusts the direction of gimballed weapons so projectiles fired will fall where the line-of-sight marker is pointed.

Interactive Mode

Interchangable Status Display (ISD)

Fixed display screens in the cockpit. Shows secondary information, e.g. thruster output.

Lifetime Insurance (LTI)

A perk attached to ships bought under certain conditions, which means the owner does not have to pay renewal fees for in-game hull insurance.

More information: Lifetime Insurance Clarification.

Line-of-Sight (LOS) Marker

A visual marker on the combat visor interface. Shows the exact direction the pilot is looking in.

Persistant Universe (PU)

The online multiplayer module in which players are free to perform any action as they wish.

Relative Mode


A visual marker displayed on the combat visor interface to highlight nearby contacts, like ships and other objects. The shape of the reticle changes to differentiate between scanned contacts, unscanned contacts, focused targets, and targets locked by missiles. The colour of the reticle changes to show the allegiance of each contact.

Scanned Contact

An object that has been scanned (meaning information about it is available) but that is not currently targeted or locked.

Shield Management Context

A context window on the own-ship pane of the combat visor interface. Shows the charge level of each shield attached to the ship.

Ship Status Display

An area of the overview context window on the own-ship pane of the combat visor interface. Shows the damage and general status of ship components with a coloured 3D representation of the ship.

Targeting Pane

The right pane on the combat visor interface. Shows information about the current target, which could be a ship or other object.

Targeting Docking Slot Manager (Targeting DSM)

Total Velocity Indicator (TVI)

Transdirectional System Awareness (TDAS)

The radar sphere in the centre of the cockpit.

Own-Ship Pane

The left pane on the combat visor interface. Shows information about the ship you are piloting, spread across four context windows: overview, weapons management, power management, and shield management. The navigation menu at the top of this pane shows which context window is active.

Overview Context

A context window on the own-ship pane of the combat visor interface. Shows a summary of ship systems and status, including the ship status display, g-force indicator and docking slot manager.

Power Management Context

A context window on the own-ship pane of the combat visor interface. Shows how ship components are grouped, and how power is distributed between those groups.

Weapons Management Context

A context window on the own-ship pane of the combat visor interface. Shows all weapons attached to the ship, and what groups they are in.

Wingman's Hangar (WH)

User Interface (UI) Colour Space

The colour scheme used across the combat visor interface, heads-up display and interchangeable status displays to convey information.

Unscanned Contact

An object which has not been scanned, meaning no information about it is available.



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